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Launch of rehabilitation classes at Marchwood Village Hall


– Hip & Knee Exercise Class for arthritis & joint replacement starts Fri 6th Sept at 9.30am

– Back Care & Core Stability Class for back pain starts Fri 6th Sept at 10.30am

Due to popular demand we will be launching rehabilitation classes at Marchwood Village Hall from September. I used to run these popular classes when I was based in Gang Warily recreation centre but stopped back in 2016 due to the clinic relocating and the arrival of my kids giving me less time. You can see a video clip of the hip and knee class by clicking here. To view the type of exercises we do in the Back Care & Core Stability Class click here to view the online Back Care Course.

Hip & Knee Class

If you are suffering from arthritis in your hip or knee joints, or if you have had a hip or knee joint replacement (even if it was many years ago) you are a good candidate for the hip and knee class. For more information about the Hip and Knee Class click here or come to the free seminar below;
Call 023 8008 9120 or reply to this e-mail to book a place.

Back Care & Core Stability Class

The Back Care & Core Strengthening Class is designed for back pain sufferers and uses core stability exercise, spinal stretches, gym ball exercises, free weights, relaxation techniques and education to help ease back pain and improve function so that participants can return to the sports and activities they love. For more information click here or come to the free seminar below;
Call 023 8008 9120 or reply to this e-mail to book a place.

Class Fees

All class participant will need to be assessed for suitability for the class. Assessment appointments last 1 hour and cost £60. Call 023 8008 9120 or reply to this e-mail to book an assessment.
If you have already been seen by the clinic you will not require a new assessment but we will need to check your notes to make sure you are suitable for the class. Call Adam direct on 07500392321 and he will check your notes and discuss this with you.
Classes last 50 minutes and cost £10, payable by cash at the start of the class.

Assessment & Seminar Location: 40 Kingfisher Way, Marchwood SO40 4XS

Class Location: Marchwood Village Hall, Vicarage Road, Marchwood SO40 4SX

Why You Should Avoid Sitting For Too Long

Hello << Test First Name >>Research has suggested that remaining seated for too long is bad for your health, regardless of how much exercise you do.

Studies have linked excessive sitting with being overweight and obese, type 2 diabetes, some types of cancer, and premature death.

Prolonged sitting is thought to slow the metabolism, which affects the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar, blood pressure and break down body fat.

Many adults in the UK spend more than seven hours a day sitting or lying, and this typically increases with age to 10 hours or more.

This includes watching TV, using a computer, reading, doing homework, travelling by car, bus or train – behaviours referred to as sedentary – but does not include sleeping.

Experts believe there is something specific about the act of sitting or lying for too long that is bad for our health.

One of the largest pieces of research to date on the subject – involving almost 800,000 people – found that, compared with those who sat the least, people who sat the longest had a:

  • 112% increase in risk of diabetes
  • 147% increase in cardiovascular events
  • 90% increase in death caused by cardiovascular events
  • 49% increase in death from any cause

How much sitting is too much?

The advice is clear: to reduce our risk of ill health from inactivity, we are advised to exercise regularly – at least 150 minutes a week – as well as reduce time spent sitting or lying.However, there is currently not enough evidence to set a time limit on how much time people should sit each day.

What Can You Do?

Adults aged 19 to 64 are advised to try to sit down less throughout the day, including at work, when travelling and at home.

Tips to reduce sitting time:

  • stand on the train or bus
  • take the stairs and walk up escalators
  • set a reminder to get up every 30 minutes
  • alternate working while seated with standing
  • place a laptop on a box or similar to work standing
  • stand or walk around while on the phone
  • take a walk break every time you take a coffee or tea break
  • walk to a co-worker’s desk instead of emailing or calling
  • swap some TV time for more active tasks or hobbies


How Much Physical Activity do You Need?

Hello << Test First Name >>To stay healthy or to improve health, adults need to do two types of physical activity each week: aerobic and strength exercises.

How much physical activity you need to do each week depends on your age.

  • at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity such as cycling or fast walking every week, and
  • strength exercises on two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms).


  • 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity, such as running or a game of singles tennis every week, and
  • strength exercises on two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms).


  • A mix of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity every week. For example, two 30-minute runs plus 30 minutes of fast walking equates to 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, and
  • strength exercises on two or more days a week that work all the major muscles (legs, hips, back, abdomen, chest, shoulders and arms).

A rule of thumb is that one minute of vigorous activity provides the same health benefits as two minutes of moderate activity.

One way to do your recommended 150 minutes of weekly physical activity is to do 30 minutes on 5 days a week.

All adults should also break up long periods of sitting with light activity. Find out why sitting is bad for your health.
What classes as Aerobic exercise:

  • walking fast
  • water aerobics
  • riding a bike
  • doubles tennis
  • pushing a lawn mower
  • hiking
  • skateboarding
  • rollerblading
  • swimming
  • jogging



Hello << Test First Name >>
Sciatica is the name given to any sort of pain that is caused by irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve.   The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in your body. It runs from the back of your pelvis, through your buttocks, and all the way down both legs, ending at your feet.   When the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated, it can cause pain, numbness and a tingling sensation that radiates from your lower back and travels down one of your legs to your foot and toes.   The pain can range from being mild to very painful, and may be made worse by sneezing, coughing, or sitting for a long period of time.   Some people with sciatica may also experience muscle weakness in the affected leg. While people with sciatica can also have general back pain, the pain associated with sciatica usually affects the buttocks and legs much more than the back.   In the vast majority of cases, sciatica is caused by a herniated or “slipped” disc. This is when one of the discs that sit between the bones of the spine (the vertebrae) is damaged and presses on the nerves.   You can minimise your risk of developing a slipped disc or back injury that could lead to sciatica by adopting a better posture and lifting techniques at work, as well as stretching before and after exercise, and exercising regularly.   Many cases of sciatica will pass in around six weeks without the need for treatment. However, a combination of things you can do at home – such as taking over-the-counter painkillers, exercising and using hot or cold packs – may help reduce the symptoms until the condition improves.   In more persistent cases, it may be beneficial to consult a Physiotherapist to gain recovery quicker.

Are Tight Hip Flexors and Hamstrings causing your Back pain?

Hello << Test First Name >>
Your hip flexors and hamstrings are among the most important groups of muscles in the body.  They are necessary for the long term mobility and stability of your lower body.  Healthy and well-conditioned hip flexors and hamstrings are key for the prevention of hip, knee and lower back issues. The health of your lumbar spine is directly affected by the action of the hip flexors and hamstrings.   When there is an imbalance present in either of these muscle groups, the lower back can easily be subject to strain and injury.  Corrective action is necessary to reverse this imbalance and therefore reduce the risk of injury to the spine.   In most cases, people who experience lower back pain usually have accompanying tightness and imbalances in the various muscles.  For example, it has been well established in both in the literature and among health professionals that tight hamstrings are one of the primary contributors to chronic lumbar pain.   It is very rare to have chronically tight (or short) hamstring muscles and NOT suffer lumbar pain. The hamstring muscles are a group of very strong and large muscles which are often poorly maintained. It can be very challenging to keep them well conditioned, even under ideal situations.   Tight hamstrings and hip flexors will often occur together. The strong pull of tight hip flexors can lead to an anterior pelvic tilt.  This forward tilt of the pelvis causes an increased pull on the hamstrings which contributes to tightness of the muscle group.   To maintain the normal and proper curvature of the spine, the muscles which are located in front and behind the pelvis must act and function in a balanced fashion throughout your daily activity. In doing this, they keep the pelvis in a neutral and safe position.   In order to reduce the discomfort of lower back pain, your hip flexors and hamstrings should be exercised in many different ways.  This requires several different positions, stretches and movements.


Could Your Headache Be Coming From Your Neck?

Hello << Test First Name >>
Like back pain, headaches are one of the most common physical complaints amongst the general population. Most headaches are harmless and will resolve on their own, but they can occur for a variety of reasons. The International Headache Society classifies four types of headaches: tension headaches, migraines, secondary headaches (meaning they are caused by some other factor that could include sinuses, disease, fever, tumors, etc.), and cranial neuralgia.
The most common type of headache in adults is a tension headache and can occur because of poor posture, neck or jaw problems, fatigue and stress. Any of these can cause tension in the muscles at the base of the skull, and this tension can cause pain to radiate into the top of the head, along the temples, or behind the eyes.
A physiotherapist can treat tension headaches by first discovering its cause. To do this, they will ask questions about any previous injuries as well as the patterns and behaviors of your symptoms. Then they will look at the range of motion in your neck, shoulders and other relevant parts of your body. They will analyse your posture in a variety of positions and use hands-on techniques to assess the mobility of the muscles and joints in your neck.
Then, they can use this information to help you change the causes of your headaches. Depending on an individual’s particular case, this can involve manual techniques that will improve mobility of muscles or joints. They will also likely teach you exercises to work on your own mobility at home. Often, our postures and daily routines cause us to develop over-worked and under-worked muscles. A physio is likely also to teach you exercises to strengthen the under-worked muscles. All of this will help you to understand and maintain better posture. If necessary, an examination of the mechanics used at your workstation or home office can help you to maintain your improved posture when in one position for prolonged periods.
If you suffer from headaches, you don’t have to. There are physios who would be glad to help you get to the bottom of what can be a very debilitating problem.


Shoulder Instability

Hello << Test First Name >>The shoulder girdle is made up of 3 bones, the scapula (shoulder blade), the humerus (upper arm bone) and the clavicle (collar bone).  The shoulder has the greatest range of motion of any joint in the body but this places it at the greatest risk of dislocations.

Shoulder instability is when the ball and socket joint is not controlled well.  When the ball is sliding around it’s socket too much it can cause pain and in some cases come out of the socket and dislocate.  Sometimes the ball does not completely dislocate and is only partially out and can feel locked. With a wiggle it often returns to its normal position.  This is called subluxation.

To help improve the shoulder’s stability, the joint is supported by a thickened rim around the socket called a labrum, which deepens the shallow joint.  The capsule around this joint is also reinforced by ligaments which become taught at the end range of all shoulder movements.  When the ligaments become tight they also send important messages to the brain so that it can coordinate how the muscles around the shoulder move.

There are 4 very important muscles around the shoulder call the Rotator Cuff: supraspinatus, infaspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis.  They are constantly adjusting to maintain the ball safely in the socket.  They act a bit like dynamic ligaments throughout shoulders movement.  They stabilise the joint during functional tasks of the arm, such as writing, driving and using the computer when the ligaments may not be tight.

There are 3 types of shoulder instability.  The most common form of instability is caused by trauma, such as a fall.  The large force causes structural damage to the ligaments and socket rim (labrum).  This can lead to repetitive dislocations in some people.  Shoulder rehabilitation may reduce the chances of this by training the rotator cuff to fully recover and compensate.  In the younger population (below 28 years old) the chances of re-dislocation are much higher and they may require surgery.

The second type of instability is caused by excessive laxity of the shoulder ligaments and poor muscle control.  This is not only of the rotator cuff, but also the muscles that control the scapula on the rib cage and to the rest of the body.  It is difficult to keep the ball in a socket that is not controlled.  This instability is known as atraumatic instability. It requires very specialist rehabilitation to achieve the complex muscle control.  In some rare cases surgery can aid the muscle retraining process by tightening up the capsule and ligaments.

The third type is very rare and called “abnormal muscle patterning”.  This is when the big powerful muscles that attach around the shoulder, activate inappropriately and out of sequence.  This causes very large forces that the rotator cuff simply cannot compete with.  This type of instability requires very specialist physiotherapy.  We aim to reteach these muscles to activate in a normal way and rewrite their programming.  Occasionally, the first 2 types of shoulder instability may develop these characteristics and it is important that this is identified early and addressed.

Due to the complex nature and wide spectrum of symptoms of shoulder instability, shoulder surgeons and Physiotherapists work very closely together to manage this condition.


What Is Osteoarthritis- OA

Hello << Test First Name >>
Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of arthritis caused by wear and tear of a joint. It is associated with a breakdown of cartilage in joints and can occur in almost any joint in the body, however most commonly occurs in the weight-bearing joints of the hips, knees, and spine. Cartilage normally provides a smooth, gliding surface for joint motion and acts as a cushion between the bones. In OA, the cartilage breaks down, causing pain, swelling and problems moving the joint and therefore stiffness.
What causes osteoarthritis?

Osteoarthritis occurs when there is damage in and around the joints that the body cannot fully repair. It’s not clear exactly why this happens in some people, although your chances of developing the condition can be influenced by a number of factors, such as your age and weight. Osteoarthritis usually develops in people over 45 years of age, although younger people can also be affected. It is commonly thought that osteoarthritis is an inevitable part of getting older, but this is not quite true. You may in fact be able to reduce your chances of developing the condition by doing regular, gentle exercises and maintaining a healthy weight.

Who’s Affected?

Although OA occurs in people of all ages, osteoarthritis is most common in people older than 65. Common risk factors include increasing age, obesity, previous joint injury, overuse of the joint, weak thigh muscles, and genetics.
Managing osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is a long-term condition and can’t be cured, but it doesn’t necessarily get any worse over time and it can sometimes gradually improve. A number of treatments are also available to reduce the symptoms.
Mild symptoms can sometimes be managed with simple measures including regular exercise to ensure the muscles surrounding the joint are in good strength to support the body weight, losing weight if you are overweight, wearing suitable footwear and using special devices to reduce the strain on your joints during your everyday activities.
If your symptoms are more severe, you may need additional treatments such as painkilling medication and a structured exercise plan carried out under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
In a small number of cases, where the above treatments haven’t helped or the damage to the joints is particularly severe, surgery may be carried out to repair, strengthen or replace a damaged joint.